Publish as a Database (DB)

The Publish as a DB function lets you publish your View as a table on Mammoth managed database server. This function eliminates the need of having a dedicated self-hosted Database to host your transformed data.

Quick Start

You can publish your current View with just a click. Here’s how:

  1. Go to Exports and Share

  2. Select “Export to database” then “Mammoth managed databse”

  3. Enter a new table name or keep the default

  4. Click apply.


The system only allows unique table names. You will get a prompt to choose a different table name if the database already has a table with the same name.

Once your View is published on the server, you will receive credentials to access the published database.

publish credentials

Credentials for the published table

Further, Publish as a Database will also be recorded as a task at the end of the Data Pipeline.

publish as a db Task

Publish as a Database task appears in the Pipeline

Supported Options

  • Show credentials: This displays credentials to access the published table.

  • Regenerate password: Generates a new password. Make sure to re-authenticate connected applications once you do this.

regenerate password warning

Connect third-party apps after regenerating database password

  • Run now: This option syncs all Pipeline modifications to the published table.

  • Delete: This removes the Publish as a DB task from the Data Pipeline as well as the table from the database server.


  1. There can be only one Publish to DB in a view.

  2. Users have read-only access to the database and the tables.

  3. Mammoth maintains a table named reference_table in the same database. Mammoth maintains a list of all published views and tables in this. Use this for quick reference of all published views.

  4. For each user, there exists a unique database.