Retrieving data through webhooks

Webhooks are an easy way to push data into Mammoth. A lot of popular web services emit data to webhooks. One can also push data into webhooks.

Here is how you can configure a new webhook in Mammoth.

  1. Click on the + button in the Data Library. Select the ‘Webhooks’ option.

File Menu
  1. Give a name to your webhook dataset, and select a mode from the drop down. This can either be Combine or Replace depending on your requirement. Selecting Combine appends the new incoming data to your existing data, and selecting Replace would replace the existing data with the new incoming data. Once you’ve selected the option, click Done, and wait till a new dataset gets created.

Create Webhook Dataset
  1. Click on the new dataset. This will open the preview panel.

  2. Your webhook URL would show in the preview panel. Copy the URL from the preview panel and paste it in webhook source field and save.

File Menu
  1. Whenever the source service calls the webhook URL the data would show up in your newly created webhook dataset.

  2. Webhook data goes into a staging area. Mammoth will automatically process the staged data, but note that this happens only if there is any new data.

  3. You can refresh any time by clicking on Refresh button in the preview panel or the refresh button next to the dataset name on View page.