Alteryx vs Tableau: In-Depth Comparison [2025 Update]

Deciding between Alteryx vs Tableau Prep? Read our deep dive where we compare pricing, features, and more so you can see which is best for you.
Combine all data in one place to see a wholistic view of a consumers buying patterns
Turn the manual, error-prone financial data processes into an automated and streamlined workflow
Accelerate campaign reporting and insights. Move in real-time
Consolidation of product sales across stores
1400% ROI increase time/action; 53% decrease in monthly maintenance costses
Largest privately-held spirits company
$40k in savings; 0 hours opportunity cost in IT
Behavioral health and solutions provider
1000% ROI increase time/action; 94% decrease in monthly maintenance costs
Biotech research
$50k annual cost savings; 30 hours/mo saved
Dairy Producer
ROI increase of 1400%; 0 hours of IT time
Agency focused on consumer sports engagement
$20k annual savings; 0 hours of IT time
Deciding between Alteryx vs Tableau Prep? Read our deep dive where we compare pricing, features, and more so you can see which is best for you.