
Information Technology

Eliminate data preparation, minimize data requests and focus on deep technology projects

Make data preparation a thing of the past

Mamoth’s code-free environment gives power to knowledge workers to manage their data processes

  • Code-free, rules-based pipelines
  • Transparency on how your data is reshaped and transformed

Make secure, quick data access a piece of cake

Mammoth provides a point-and-click approach for anyone to segment and interact with their data

  • Provide data access without compromising on governance or security
  • From data lineage to access control, make data governance a seamless exercise

Focus on deep technology projects, not data wrangling

Mammoth allows IT departments to be unburdened from unnecessary requests, creating more time for deep technology engagements

  • Be in control of data governance but eliminate day-to-day data requests
  • Transfer maintenance of data wrangling projects to non-IT members with Mammoth’s transparent, easy-to-use, code-free platform

Case Studies